Contact Me!

Hello, fellow writers.

Do you have a complete novel, that has been revised and edited? Are you ready to start querying publishers and agents? Or maybe you’re already in the query trenches and you want to strengthen your submission package.

Well, fear not… I’m hear to help!

I’m offering free critiques for either a query or the first five pages of your manuscript. I’m willing to put the work in, if you are! Therefore, I only want to see complete, polished works. 

Photo by bongkarn thanyakij on

Follow these tips before you submit your query:

  • Include the title of your manuscript, the word count and genre.
  • Pitch must be between 250 – 300 words.
  • Introduce your main character, revealing who they are and why the reader should care.
  • Include their conflict.
  • Define the stakes and what will happen should they fail to solve the conflict.
  • Don’t finish the pitch with a rhetorical question!
  • Have two comparison titles, or a comparison author who writes in a similar style and genre.
  • Your bio should be no more than three sentences.

For further advice on crafting the perfect pitch, check out this post! And for more help head on over to my blog for posts like How to Write a Synopsis and Hooking Readers with the First Line.


Please fill in this page and submit your comment. If you’re requesting a critique, please let me know what material you intend to submit and what genre you write in. I will contact you at the email you provide to receive your material and give you an expected timeline. Please be aware that turn around times during Twitter contest like PitchWars will be longer due to high demand. So get in early!!

If you’ve submitted a request, but have not heard back from to me in a day, please check you junk/ spam folder before trying to contact me again.

I look forward to hearing from you!

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